Night People & The Twisted Wheel Club PresentCold Water SwimmersYou'll hyperventilate, within seconds your heart will begin to race and your blood pressure will spike.Cold Water Swimmers are Chris Bridgett (Dub Sex Rude Club The G-O-D), Carrie Lawson and Selina Clements Woolnough the band first got together on January 24th 2018, that's the same day Mark E Smith died. The band's tight, raw, tribal rock n roll punk rock take on life has won them many admirers and saw the band tipped by Louder Than War as ones to watch in 2019. This year saw the release of their first single "Summer Breeze" described as... "bright fresh, vital and energetic with a snarling and grizzled undercurrent""A total masterclass from the trio of Cold Water Swimmers. A perfect band for these times." Saturday 21st September | 7pm DoorsTicketweb | SeeTickets | Fatsoma