Played by fast growing comedian, Amir Dean, this Drag Queen has taken the scene by storm with online videos being viewed over 35 million times and performing live shows through Europe and the USA. Taking you on a journey through the ages, featuring songs ranging from the Golden era of Indian cinema to present day hits, Lady Bushra will serenade and guide you through the history of Bollywood with much humor and South Asian glamour. This is a one-of-a-kind, one night only show not to be missed!
54 Below, a recipient of the 2022 TONY AWARDS® Honor for Excellence in the Theatre, is a non-profit
organization with a mission to preserve the music of Broadway and expand the art of the cabaret while
growing opportunities for diverse communities of emerging and established artists and providing unparalleled
audience experiences.
Pricing: Further Information
Instagram: @lady.bushra
For any questions email: or call: (646) 476-3551
See you all then!