Simply Kate Bush Live at The Penny Theatre

Simply Kate Bush Live at The Penny Theatre

Event Time Fri 23rd May at 7:30pm-Fri 23rd May at 10:30pm
Event Location The Penny Theatre, Canterbury
Event Price £8 + fees
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18+


Standard £8.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
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Simply Kate Bush Live at The Penny Theatre

Simply Kate Bush

Described as Kate's 'lost twin' Jane Clarity theatrical poise, an uncanny vocal resemblance and an array of beautiful costumes created by designer Janey Gardiner. Creating a fitting homage to this genius artist.
Simply Kate Bush is a unique professional dedicated act to bringing Kate’s songs to life with an authentic sound.
Seeking to inhabit Kate’s music, performing iconic songs and lesser heard gems across her discography£8 in advance £12 OTD


The Penny Theatre
30-31 Northgate, Canterbury CT1 1BL, UK