Sidney & Matilda Presents...
Andy Skellam + Beth Porter
He’s tall and thin, got cobwebs in his beard, falls asleep between sentences and hails from Herefordshire via Portsmouth. Andy’s voice is as mellow as a spadeful of Herefordshire soil in Autumn. His guitar playing is as steady as a grandfather clock showered by pine needles.
“A homespun sound and DIY ethic, something we much admire and are drawn to” - Folk Radio UK
As a multi-instrumentalist, collaborator, composer and songwriter, Beth has a passion for
creating, an ear for listening, and a pure, unaffected voice that delivers beautifully original,
understated yet powerful songs. Imagine Joanna Newsome goes to Nashville and writes a song
with Anne Briggs and David Byrne from Talking Heads. She is a member of The Bookshop
Band, Spell Songs (with Karine Polwart, Julie Fowlis, Kris Drever) and Red Carousel string
quartet. Beth’s cello can be heard on hundreds of recordings, including the Oscar Nominated,
and British Animation Award winning film score Robin Robin (Aardman/Netflix) which she
composed with Ben Please.
£9adv. £11 OTD