+ Honey Line
Hollow Souls
Dinosaurs Attack
Cameron Davies
Ragged Tiger inits current incarnation was bornout of frustrationand love. The frustrationofnot beingable
to find a Bassist and the Love of writingandplaying music together. And stubbornness that rather thangive
thatup we would just work somethingelse out. After a couple of rehearsals and some messingaround with
guitar and bass amps and a little bit of jiggerypokery it all just clicked intoplace.
Insome way or another Ragged Tigerhave beenplaying music together for over 10 yearsnow,having met in
a jam sessionat college and instantly clicking. Wehaveplayed all over Manchester and the Northstartingoff
like everybody inpubs and clubs before workingour wayupto festivals and music venues. Wehaveused our
time duringthe Lockdowns wisely writing, recordingand focusingour sound to what it is today. Buildingon
it constantly,not beingafraid to trynew things and evolve.Spendingthe last yearshoning what we did best
andperformingas muchaspossible to bringour music to whoever wants tohear it.