Learn To DJ Experience: A Five Week Beginner DJ Course At Arts Bar Hope Street - Liverpool
What Is This?
Welcome to our Learn To DJ Experience at Arts Bar Hope Street Liverpool! This 5-week beginner course is your chance to go from a complete beginner to a confident DJ. You’ll learn all the mixing fundamentals and key creative and performance techniques to make you stand out from the crowd!
Plus - have the option of showcasing your new skills at our regular showcase nights in front of friends, family, and other students.
When Is This?
Tuesday nights: 18:00 - 19:15PM or 19:45 - 21:00PM (select desired timeslot below).
Five Sessions: 17th Sept, 24th Sept, 1st Oct, 8th Oct & Finishing on the 15th of October.
With a virtual (Zoom) 15-minute welcome & software set up on Tuesday the 10th of September - to be confirmed and booked via email.
Where Is This?
Arts Bar Hope Street Liverpool: 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, England L1 9BY
We've chosen to host our Learn to DJ nights at Arts Bar Hope Street due to its relaxed atmosphere and big creative spaces. Classes will be conducted in a private studio and our showcase event will be held in the main bar. It's truly a great setting to learn to DJ in.
Why This Course?