This event will now be taking place on the date below.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This will be THE LAST EVER QUIZ.
THAT'S RIGHT. Please don't panic. It will be the greatest of all the quizzes. Pyrotechnics. Extravagant light shows. Hot studs and jacked babes.
Bring waterproof clothing and a helmet and a weapon to protect yourself. Come and admire the gang one final time for the quiz to end all quizzes.
Any quiz you go to after this will pale in comparison, and you will smell the foul smell of pathetic imitation.
It's February. And it's our anniversary. Celebrate the one and only year of quizzes. Celebrate the last quiz in quarry, a music venue that is about to become a mausoleum.
Any money you spend here on tickets, drinks for yourself, or (most importantly) drinks for us, will be going into the Quarry go fund me fund, that ensures that Quarry may live on via spending all the money on a music venue in a boat that will sink upon purchase.
And please, buy us a pint. Go on, it's the last one 😏