Mirror Moves at Invisible Wind Factory

Mirror Moves at Invisible Wind Factory

Event Time Sat 19th Apr at 9:00pm-Sun 20th Apr at 2:00am
Event Location Invisible Wind Factory, Liverpool
Event Price £4 - £6 + fees
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18
Mirror Moves


Mirror Moves at IWF - LIMITED EARLY BIRD TICKET £4.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Mirror Moves at IWF - second wave early bird ticket £5.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Mirror Moves at IWF - standard ticket £6.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
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Mirror Moves at Invisible Wind Factory

Mirror Moves: Liverpool's monthly night of Post Punk New Wave Synth Pop Noise. Dance to Bowie, Cure, Smiths, Slits, Prince, Depeche Mode, Kate Bush, New Order and so much more - see you on the dance floor!


Invisible Wind Factory
3 Regent Rd, Liverpool L3 7DS, UK