LIVERPOOL'S OFFICIAL FRESHERS WEEK 2025 brought to you by Cool It Events.
The ONLY University affiliated Freshers programme in the City in conjunction with Liverpool's Biggest Events Company. EARLY BIRDS ONLY £5!!! The first releases will sell out VERY FAST, and last year was a COMPLETE SELL OUT before Freshers even began, so buy early to avoid disappointment and save £££! Join thousands of other Students at your OFFICIAL Freshers Week featuring Liverpool’s Biggest and Best weekly events at the City’s best nightclubs. This is the PERFECT way to make new friends for life, meet like-minded people, get to know the city and to take advantage of the best entertainment it has to offer!
All wristbands purchased before Thursday 14th Aug 2024 are Fully Refundable! All refunds MUST be requested before Mon 18th Aug.
To request a refund please email adam@coolitveents //
So secure your place now with complete peace of mind!
-- Individual tickets are available for some events! Links in the line up below. HOWEVER - it is much more cost effective to buy your Official Wristband and gain entry and priority entry at every event! --
Wristband holders gain:
✔️ Guaranteed FREE Entry to an Event on EVERY night of Freshers with your Wristband!
✔️ FREE Entry to 14 events across 7 nights of Freshers!
✔️ Priority Queueing at EVERY event as well as FREE ENTRY - including Liverpool’s Biggest Weekly Events
✔️ Certain Events are WRISTBAND ONLY - Secure Your Place!
✔️Ensure you join 4000 other students at the ONLY University Affiliated Freshers Programme!
Brought to you by Cool It Liverpool.
Ljmu Freshers
University of Liverpool Freshers