Directed by Jillian Feuerstein as the final project for Rose Bruford's MFA Contemporary Directing Practice program.
The Story by Tess-Berry Hart is a thrilling one-act, exploring the stories we tell ourselves to justify violence, and how even the strongest-held truths can be corrupted by those in power.
A woman returns to her home country after a year of aiding refugees, only to be suddenly and unexpectedly detained at the border. While she insists that the work she was doing was solely humanitarian, the government questions her story. As she fights to return home to her wife and children, she also fights to maintain her sanity and sense of truth against a system that will do anything to corrupt her.
Charlotte Clements
Romana Meyrat
Madelaine Good
Director: Jillian Feuerstein
Set & costume designer: Hannah Schlenker
Lighting designer: Tobie Seeley
Sound designer: Inés Ruiz
Runtime: 65 min
Content warnings: Physical violence, psychological abuse, flashing lights, loud sounds