1 ticket left!
Join us for this very special nautical edition of An Afternoon of Bowie as we take to the high seas of the East London Waterways with the return of The David Bowie Boat Party.
These always sell out, so please don't leave it too long, as this one is on course to do the same.
Grab your sailor's hats and climb aboard for our classic mix of back-to-back Bowie hits, anthems and sing-alongs to get you dancing on deck with your fellow shipmates. A fully stocked bar on board for you to buy drinks.
H.M.S. Bowie will depart from Stratford Waterfront Pontoon, Queen Elizabeth Park. (Exact location details will be emailed to all ticket holders) but it is directly in front of the new East Bank development in the shadows of the UAL, V&A, BBC and Sadlers Wells buildings, adjacent to the London Aquatic Centre.
1pm - Meet Time (please arrive in good time to board as the boat will be setting sail at 2pm regardless of latecomers)
2pm-5pm - Sailing / Bowie Disco Time
5pm-6pm - Wind down on the wharf to our Bowie playlist
A few rules to highlight:
- Boat sails at 2pm prompt please be there well in advance, late-comers cannot be jet-skiied over. Anyone not on board by departure will void their tickets.
- No drinks are allowed on board other than those purchased on the boat.
- Sea-sickness pills are not available, so bring a bag if you are not a salty sea dog.
- This is an 18+ event but feel free to email us with any enquires if you have someone younger you want to bring (info@feelinggloomy.com)