Just Radiohead

This event will now be taking place on the date below.

Just Radiohead

Event Time Fri 13th Jun at 7:00pm-Fri 13th Jun at 11:00pm
Event Location Kanteena, Lancaster
Event Price £6.25 - £15 + fees


Early Bird Ticket £12.50 +
£1.50 booking fee
1st Release Ticket £15.00 +
£1.80 booking fee
Black Friday 2-4-1 Ticket Off Sale
£6.25 +
£1.20 booking fee
Nothing selected yet

Just Radiohead

Just Radiohead are heading back to Kanteena in Lancaster, 13th June 2025!

Just Radiohead are the UK’s leading Radiohead tribute band , replicating and performing the astonishing music of one the nation’s most influential , versatile, and talented bands. Showcasing tracks f rom the explosive post - grunge debut of ‘ Pablo Honey ’ through to the beautiful and most recent art - rock album release ‘ A Moon Shaped Pool ’ , the band captures a m e mento at e ach stop along the entire majestic journey ensur ing th at ev ery minor detail is respected and authentic , while leaving the audience feel ing like they are once again revelling ‘ back in the day’ accompanied by Radiohead . A back catalogue now spanning four decades means fans have rarely had the opportunity to see Radiohead perform the ir favourite songs live …


Brewery Ln, Lancaster LA1 1QL, UK