This event will now be taking place on the date below.
Join us for this engaging talk about ADHD, exploring the neuroscience, symptoms, the positives, the struggles + much more. Followed by Q+A.
Limited Tickets available on the door from 6.30pm
A simple scroll through Instagram or TikTok and you’ll be left questioning: do I have ADHD? The rise in ADHD in adults is undeniable. But only over the last decade has ADHD been formally recognised in the UK. It has been suggested that about 1.5 million adults in the UK have ADHD but only 120,000 have been diagnosed. Waiting times to access an adult ADHD specialist clinic in the NHS can be up to 2 years or more. It’s hard to find support and help.
From dopamine dips, hits and myths, how ADHD can present differently in women than men, and the neuroscience of neurodiversity; this talk is designed to give you an increased awareness and understanding of an ADHD brain. It will include advice and tips on how to navigate a neurotypical world as a neurodivergent person.
This talk will also highlight how society is demanding change. People are increasingly recognising and accepting neurodiversity and self-defining as neurodivergent. Surely, it’s time for the world to alter neurotypical societal standards as they are fast becoming outdated.
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Tom is a lecturer of mental health nursing and a speaker, trainer, and advocate for neurodiversity and ADHD. Tom's PhD project explores the lived experiences of parents whose children are undergoing ADHD assessment, listening to, and retelling their changing stories over a period of two years: From waiting list, to diagnosis, to living with a diagnosis. Tom is a registered mental health nurse with experience working within the neurodevelopmental assessment service within the Children and Young People's service. Diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, Tom uses his personal lived experience of ADHD alongside his clinical and academic background to give a multitude of perspectives to his work.
Testimonials from our customers
⭐ Brilliant well paced talks for us ND folks. -Christine K.
⭐ It felt like a really great session with well rounded knowledge and it felt like a safe space with a safe speaker who genuinely cared and understood the shared experience. -Anon.
⭐ It was insightful, interesting, engaging, informative, educational & fun all wrapped up in one talk. - Anon