
Pre-caution: Junkyard Edition

Event Time Thu 26th Sep at 6:00pm-Thu 26th Sep at 10:00pm
Event Location Junkyard , Norwich
Event Price Free
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18+


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Pre-caution: Junkyard Edition

Pree-caution is our prees event that we do to set the mood for our events across Colchester and Norwivh 

For our 1st episode in the Pree-Caution series we are teaming up with TheThursdayClubb to take you to Junkyard 📺

The Junkyard Market is a global street food and drink market, housing a cluster of stalls serving forward-thinking street food with high-end cocktails. 🍔

Sounds by : TBA 🎶

We look forward to preeing with you 🥂


Norwich, UK